Curso 2024-25
El inicio de las clases es el 9 de septiembre. La modalidad de impartición de las clases será presencial.
Horario 1er Semestre (Actualizado 19/09/2024)
Acto inaugural MUIB
- Fecha: Lunes 9 de septiembre, 17:00, Salón de grados ETSIT-UPM
- Prof. Ignacio Oropesa, Coordinador del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Biomédica y Prof. Manuel Sierra, Director de la ETSIT-UPM
- Conferenciante invitado: Dr. Juan Luiz Cruz Bermúdez, Ing. Biomédico, Digital Transformation Director & CIO of Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in Madrid (Spain)
- Título de la conferencia: «Biomedical Engineering in the Digital Transformation of Health Care Systems»
Dr Juan Luis Cruz Bermúdez is the current Digital Transformation Director & CIO of Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in Madrid (Spain), and former CIO of Puerta de Hierro University Hospital. Dr Cruz holds a PhD in data analytics and clinical decision support in Oncology and a MSc in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and an Executive Program from IESE Business School, among others. Member of the American College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and founder & member of the board of the HIMSS Iberian Community. He has extensive experience in the Healthcare sector, working as a healthcare IT consultant and leading many innovative projects related with the digital transformation of Healthcare, IT strategy and planning and developing and implementation of EMR and digital health solutions at hospitals.